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eToro CopyTrader Part II
Copy Trader Part II Fund Management What happens when I add or remove funds? What happens when the person I copy adds or removes funds?...

Crash! Bang! Boom! The Crypto Bridge is falling down. What I think of it.
Just a very quick video put together of my thoughts of the correction we’ve seen on the NOV 29 in the heaven of morning to the...

All In The Minds Eye, Food For Thought For New Traders.
Hi Everyone.. Today I want to share with all of you an observation I have made while trading on the Etoro platform as a Popular Investor....

Intraday Round Up
Good evening ladies and gents... Been trying to come up with a way to give a really good daily snapshot for a while. I think this might...

Weekly Round Up Nov 25 2017
Weekly round up November 25 As the portfolio has grown in diversity and size, reporting weekly on each of the stock has become more...

Dash’s Dash For The Top
I know its been a long while since I’ve made a post on the analytics page but something simple to warm it back up. Just a very quick...

To Copy or Not To Copy...?
some of the questions you should ask yourself before using the eToro Copy trader feature

eToro VS Plus500 In The Crypto Wars
eToro VS. Plus500 You might have noticed out there that there is more than one CFD trader. I will be covering the main differences today...

Can You Afford To Retire..?
Here is the first of many future guest posters from the eToro P.I. Program, if you would like to contribute to any future posts please...

eToro’s Weekend Order Sneak
Weekend Order Sneak As we all know the spread (difference between the BUY and SELL price) on Cryptos on eToro increases over the weekend....
News: Blog
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