Daily SnapShot Copiers Edition

Daily snap shot Copiers Edition
Wow what a day... just goes to show what happens when Kim Jon ung says that Donald trump is deluded...
Well dont think there will be any real winners out there today... so i will start with the losers first
GOOG -1.3%
AMZN -2.07%
BAC -1.66%
DIS 1.17%
FSLR -1.14%
EA -1.3%
NFLX -3.09%
NVDA -3.11%
BABA -2.59% new long position @156.23 .78% of equity
JD.CH -2.68%
GS -1.67% new positions @227.31 .38% of equity
AMP -2.2% opened another position @144 (.78% of equity) and @145.66
AMD -3.66%
Z -7.35% Opened a LONG position with .38% of total equity @ 40.43
KEY -1.77%
BT.L -4.82%
ULVR.l -1.03%
SBNY -2.21%
Well that sums up most of the portfolio, there were a couple that managed to stay below the -1% but not many. Ive used this time to buy up some small positions during the correction and days like these have been what ive been waiting for to get some better entry points
The slight rise in the cryptos have currently balance out the losses so far no we are actually on a slender green on the day so far, so might even close out the day in the green.
There were some technical faults with eToro at the market open but hopefully they have managed to fix the problem for the long term as it is a little disconcerting when you cant open/close or adjust any trades at all on eToro.
Other opened traders today that haven't been mentioned so far
JPM @92.7 .79% of equity
@92.78 .79% of equity
Also because of the problems with eToro some how an ethereum trade was close at 3.88% profit instead of the usual 4%, but i think it is because of a rushed alteration on the trade and setting the trailing stop loss too tight, dont worry it was one of our x2 positions.
I have will be setting a trailing stop loss on one of our biggest capital positions of BTX x1 leverage later on tonight as soon as it hits the 5% mark and will be a 1% gap.
I hope that all of you that are reading this appreciate the extra information that i am typing up on here 👍