Daily Snap Shot Copiers Edition

Daily Snap shot Copiers Edition
Well what a couple of volatile days up and down. I'm currently compiling a report to see if there is a correlation between $gold and $btc but im trying to take out any red-herrings of the equation to give a more realistic comparison.
Here are the results of the winners and losers today. And copiers dont forget to sign into the members section to get the more in depth report and any changes of strategy going forward. I will be introducing a year membership fee of £10 for anyone that wants to get into the copy section that isn't a copier for anyone that is interested in a more in depth view of my strategies. It will stay free for ACTIVE copiers!
So here we go with the winners and losers
$fslr 1.08% Good to see it getting back to where it was. We are still in the green even on the new positions after cashing out when it hit its all time highs after its earning report.
$baba 1.18%
$amd 2.04% After a good report by Merrill Lynch saying that they will surge and start competing more with the likes of NVDA and INTEL should be an interesting ride. I wonder if GS analysts will be eating their words from the other month when they laid the hate on AMD...
$ulvr.l 1.05% It has been quietly ticking over in the back ground grinding out the greens since the Berkshire Hathaway deal never materialized
Not many today on the winners list as the markets have been a bit softer today
$nflx -1.2%
$jd.ch -1.31%
However not many on the losers sheet either
Crypto (at time of writing)
$btc -5.65% I see quite good support around the 4000 mark and it is currently rebounding, a correction was due after its massive gains and our orders have activated on the way down and are already set on the 4% take to cash out on the way back up. It looks like the bounce level was hit at 3820 and then the recovery has already started. Hoping that it will continue as the technical point upwards but cryptos dont really follow the tried and tested analysis.
$ethereum -5.4%
XRP -6.2%
ETC -5.88%
All in all soft day on the markets but a correction day on the cryptos.
At this point in time we are -2.8% down on the intra day, but i expect us to close out the day a lot closer to 0% if not even in the green dependent on how early Asia wakes up.