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Daily Snap-Shot and Minor change in Strategy

Good afternoon one and all.

Managing to get back on top of things away from my trading life so managing to free up a little bit more time to get back to the basics of what's going on in eToro and the trading world as a whole.

After giving it much thought I will be reducing my exposure even more and bashing down my risk score by reducing the amount of trade that I do on eToro in the way of crypto and using the services of Plus500 and some other crypto exchanges and working with the coins directly. I do much prefer the UI of eToro and the social aspect of it as well, BUT it's just becoming counterproductive to do some of my more risky trades as seen by etoro with in the system. Also for my copiers its actually a good thing and I do realise this and back their mandate on taking care and due diligence of taking an informed stance on what they allow multiple traders to do on their platform.

I will be doing a write up of the differences between eToro and Plus500 in another post and will attach a link in a relaxant updated post.

I will state now though that my preferred platform by far is eToro but there are some things that aren't covered here yet in eToro.

So down the daily snap shot.

Winners of today

Goog 1.76%

MSFT 1.07%

AMZN 1.31%

BAC 1.67%

DIS 1.06%

EA 2.14%

NVDA 1.52%

BABA 2.14%

UG.PA 1.34%

JD.CH 1.07%

AMD 1% just by the skin of its teeth!

NG.l 1.27%

ULVR.L 1.19%

WOW what a nice firm day it is for the stocks today on both sides of the Atlantic after yesterday's soft start to the week!

Losers >1%

NOTHING in the portfolio manages to get in the negative today on the stock side of things


BTC has seen a minor correction over the past couple of days but we have managed to open and close a couple of good trades down at the lower end of the 4000 and top end of 3900's

ETHERUEM is back to its well maintained area of high 290's and below the resistance of 320 and is currently on a break-out once again testing the higher levels, hopefully this will activate some of our TP and add some more funds to the total equity. After the false breakout yesterday that ended up with no real support during the drawdown

XRP After one of our trades again hit the 4% rule that I working on at the moment things seem to be looking up for ripple as the conference going on at the moment it really stirring things up. And keeping some positions open as they are really doing well and even opened another one this morning that is more than 13% in the green.

At the moment these trades are set at TP of 50% however I might switch to a trailing stop loss to prepare for the inevitable correction!

ETC The unwanted love child at the moment with-in the single tradable cryptos with in eToro. I still have faith that it will have its day though.

Not bad on a day that all the cryptos are mainly down. We close a few trades in the green, set some orders for any further corrections and some TP ready to click in to protect some profits.


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Disclaimer, None of the information contained with in this site is trading advice and should not be considered as trading advice! It is merely documenting my personal journey trading and outlines what actions I have taken, and what steps I will be taking. 

TRADING carries risk! only trade with money that you are willing to lose! 

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Liverpool, UK


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