Turning the Green Corner..?

Good evening copiers!
Sorry its been a few days since ive done any huge amount of post recently as its been mad rushed busy not just on trading but in my other businesses as Valentine’s Day is understandably a huge week! 🌹
Just an overall brief summary, the positions that we opened up in the dip are really starting to take a hold.. some better than others!
When sorting out from the last day opened trade they are slowly turning back to greens with $SEDG $AMZN and even $jpm doing very well on our trades, remember this is why we keep back some funds all the time to take out these positions to capitalise on the unwinding that we’ve seen during February.
I’m really looking forward to chasing in some of these trades to open up some shares in companies that I think will be showing very good results coming up over the next 6 months! For now going to keep that under my hat for now till I see a really good entry point and reduce some of our risk out there...
In other news the newest of the crypto has hit our shores in eToro $XLM
I will be looking into opening some trades in this crypto to get some skin in the game but have orders set up and will only buy in when I see the time is right.
Even with the drawdowns off the crypto that we are seeing on our intraday we are still just about showing in the green.
I’m hoping to see some good gains on hte rest of the month with the negative sentiment seeming to break within the stocks along with the crypto markets.
Wishing everyone out there green trades! 👍