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Weekly round up of the Nasdaq SPX500 and the DJ30

Good morning good evening and good night all etoroians.

Its been a while since I’ve been able to publish a weekly round up report on our stocks and cryptos but even though I’m out and about over this weekend I’ve managed to find the odd hour to give you and update one where our gains have been made seeing as the drawdowns on the Cryptocurrencies have really been hiding the majority of them!

On the month so far we have managed to lock in some profits and added 2.6% to our total equity in realized profits.

In ‘paper-profits’ we are actually quite in the red but I’m not overly worried about it with now about -16% to the red (meaning any one copying now, if I only closed the red trades in the green you would be up by 16% by that point not including the profits I would make along the way.)

We will start with the US indices

$DJ30 After its big breakout and then the unwinding in January we are now seeing some returns back up the bullish trend line.

We almost headed down to the 200MA but instead found strong enough support at the 23,100 mark harking back to mid-November.

We have no managed to break back through the 50MA -just- and a fair amount above the 100MA.

We closed out some of our positions to avoid some of the fractional fees that go along with them and not forgetting the old saying ‘volatility begets volatility’ I see that there will be many opportunities to get in at good buy rates, while still holding some skin in the game to benefit from the gradual rises.

$nsdq100 The Nasdaq has been one of my favourite indices as it has been ever so slightly less volatile on its daily movements of its peaks and troughs on the unwinding that we’ve seen.

Also it seems to have recovered far quicker with its tech heavy weighting. We have almost recovered completely but with all the indices in the US the rise I believe has been slightly too rapid and we could very well see some more pullback over the coming weeks so have set up some orders to catch it when it falls!

$SPX500 I am actually looking to go heavier into the SPX at the moment as it not only was the only one that broke the 200MA plain but has been less rapid to rise so during a soft opening/closing of the markets it shouldn’t fall quite so much as it is nearer to its strong levels of support.

That’s all for now but as a general heads up to those who are new to copying and those that are already copying.

Our Crypto trades we will be reducing the exposure and allocation with in the portfolio as although the gains are tremendous since eToro has removed the Stop Loss feature ( a move that I actually agree with as during a flash crash it could close out multiple trades in the deep red) my preferred strategy no longer is in effect so unless I am glued to my compute system 24/7 the risk is too great on missing closing points on trades. $btc

We will be reducing our Crypto two different ways, I will still be adding around 4% to the total funds every month therefore increasing our total holdings but not opening up more crypto trades for the time being. Along with making more profits and locking them in by trading other asset classes such as $eurusd $gold $gbpusd along with our usual stock holdings along with some new ones $amzn $hubs $ko $blk $pep


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Disclaimer, None of the information contained with in this site is trading advice and should not be considered as trading advice! It is merely documenting my personal journey trading and outlines what actions I have taken, and what steps I will be taking. 

TRADING carries risk! only trade with money that you are willing to lose! 

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